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Golfing Experiences

Looking to expand on your current home golf setup or upgrade to the latest and most advanced projector available?
Let us help with making your choice, whether you want a projector with better picture quality, more brightness, and easier maintenance of your golf sim arrangement.

What Projector Are You Currently Using?

Projector Brand *
Model *

What Launch Monitor Are your Currently Using?

Are You Playing Courses with Dedicated Software?

Are You Using A Swing Camera to Record Swings and Improve Your Game?

Choose A Budget for Your Projector Upgrade


Our Recommendation for Your Upgrade

BenQ is the industry leader in golf simulator projectors that come in a variety of different options depending on your requirements. To upgrade your golf simulator, take a look at these suggestions and find a projector that fits easily within your budget while offering better performance. We help you get the best value and even save money, which you can use towards gear like launch monitors or impact screens.