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How to Reduce Meeting Room Costs?

  • BenQ
  • 2019-11-20
Reduce Meeting Costs with Wireless Screen Mirroring

Maybe you’ve experienced this in real life, or perhaps it’s only happened in your nightmares. Your slide deck is flawless. You’re wearing your lucky shirt. They even spelled your name right on today’s latte. Nothing can go wrong. Could it?

BenQ InstaShow Wireless HDMI Screen Mirroring

That is, until that crucial vendor visit in Conference Room #3. Your vendor’s IT department won’t let them load the app needed for your wireless presentation system, so they cannot share their roadmap. After they get permission to load your app, your network is slowing their video to a crawl. With a half a dozen senior executives sitting around the table, each minute is costing you – and your vendor - a lot of money– not to mention your reputation.ls sold today feature 4K resolution, so make sure your wireless presentation system supports the standard default resolution of your new flat panel. 1080p will work fine, but when you are using a split-screen, you will want as much detail as possible to see the details.

There are three easy ways to avoid this situation in any boardroom or classroom that can dramatically lower the cost of your meetings – both large and small. Because executive meetings can cost more than $20 per minute, here are three easy ways to both build a more cost-effective meeting room, as well as keep everyone’s attention on the content of the presentation.


Eliminate the app – while legacy wireless presentation systems required you to load a proprietary app on your notebook, the latest models such as the BenQ InstaShow connect to your HDMI or USB-C port and start presenting. No more worries about presenting on locked-down computers, or whether the app code will keep your content secure.


Stay off the network – Sending confidential audio and video over a corporate LAN has several drawbacks, such as slowing down the network for others, and potentially exposing confidential information to unintended recipients. Look for a wireless presentation system that can be managed on the network, but doesn’t require a 30-page Network Integration Guide to set up and manage a system that is burdening the network with heavy video and audio content.

BenQ Wireless Presentation InstaShow
2018 Button Comparison

So if you are looking for a solution that will help you keep your meetings running on time without a lot of drama (at least the technical kind), check out the BenQ InstaShow. It comes with two “app-free” buttons that plug into your HDMI or USB-C port on any notebook, Chromebook, and even a Raspberry Pi to ensure that anybody can connect to your display. To learn why Projector Reviews said, “the performance of the InstaShow was fantastic,” you can here click here. If you want to learn more about the different types of wireless presentation solutions, you can click here to download a guide on how to select a wireless presentation system.  

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